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大家对老马将在2019实行的 众筹共享房产计划 #FUNDMYHOME 有什么意见?

投资者只需付 20%房价,就可以买到房产,剩余的80% 由有兴趣投资的人分担。




Do you have any comment for the P2P crowdfunding property plan #FUNDMYHOME proposed by Tun Ma that will be implement in 2019?

Investors can buy a property by paying only 20% of the price, the remaining 80% are shared by other investors.

Will this plan bring prosperity or bubble?

Are you seeing opportunities or risks?

Welcome to leave a comment.


U4uco6vftgz0z7kn0v6er64dy hyqdfbkwxw5ygbiau5voarizm3hk0 gebyqs u small

Dear Sir,

I am looking for a new project to partner or mentor. I have a wealth of experience and funds ready to invest in the right company. If you are honest and competent in handling a quality and fast growing business, you then get back to me (adamabakary834@yahoo.com)



U4uco6vftgz0z7kn0v6er64dy hyqdfbkwxw5ygbiau5voarizm3hk0 gebyqs u small

Dear Sir,

I am looking for a new project to partner or mentor. I have a wealth of experience and funds ready to invest in the right company. If you are honest and competent in handling a quality and fast growing business, you then get back to me (adamabakary834@yahoo.com)



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risk for the buyer and bank also. 

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@jeffleong6868 thank you for sharing