Scam 1
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马来西亚也曾经发生过很多的物业欺诈案,就在近期内发生的一个案子,涉及了冒充房地产经纪人的诈骗分子。但好消息是,你能够很简单地查出跟你做交易的房产经纪人,查出他或她是否一名已注册的经纪人。你只需到马来西亚估价师、评价师及房地产代理局(BOVAEA)的官方网站,在协商者搜索页面(Negotiator Search Page)免费搜索该房产经纪人的产业经纪协商者编号(REN Number)。

想要了解更多有关房主的资料,只需简单地在互联网上进行快速的搜索,这行动可能会让你搜出一些该房产亮红灯的资料。你也可以做出破产人士的搜索,以进一步确认该房主名下的房产是否已被取消赎回权。这是一个简单的过程,可以通过大马报穷局(Malaysian Department of Insolvency)的官方网站以一小笔费用完成。另一个做法是,你可以到布城的总部做柜台询问,以10令吉的小部分收费进行一个破产搜索,搜索结果通常可在15分钟内获得。


地契是一份文件,这文件含有土地或土地上建有的建筑物的所有权资料,不应被误认为一些网站所指的 ’住宅地契’ 或 ‘商业地契’。



如果你是直接与房主联系的话,你可以到有关的土地管理局(Land Office)进行产权调查。但如果注册表中没有任何的记录也不足为奇,这是因为没有个人地契的房产(仍属于主要地契-master title)不会呈现于注册表中,或可能还处于注册过程中。那么下一个步骤就是要求其他类型的拥有权证据,如契约(deed)或买卖合约(Sale and Purchase Agreement)。















:别忘了查看PropSocial的出租广告以寻找你社区里的最新出租楼盘。为了让你的搜索过程更有效率,你可以保存你感兴趣的广告,你还可以搜查我们的五大最佳房产经纪人,或张贴你的要求(Post Requirements)把过程简单化!

(Translated by: Yau Yin Wey, 4th March 2016)


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To cut the fuss I normally go through a trusted agent, relative or good friend.

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For agent, always sight the SnP prior to signing the Authorization to Rent... but i know many in the field does not practice so.... 

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There are actually a lot of scammers out there who would post up a fake ad on room rental portals like iBilik website and get interested tenants to bank in deposit prior to viewing. And you'll be surprised how some tenants actually fall into these kind of traps. 

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Anything that requires you to bank in money beforehand is seriously a NO NO. Always bank in after you have sign an agreement, look at the unit, meet in person. 

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Everything black and white. 

H  d35400 small

That's correct, always observe at the unit first,then sign for agreement and payment after make decision.

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(Pos ini telah dikeluarkan oleh pengarang)

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(Pos ini telah dikeluarkan oleh pengarang)

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ensure that you stamp your agreement

James bond craig junio2006 small

You mean there ARE actually people who would transfer payment without viewing the place or meeting the owner????? I am surprised! No offense but gotta be smarter than that ;-)

L  2c3e50 small

@James Bob Yes, it is surprise to know that, but there are always some exception, isn't it? LOL

C  1abc9c small

thanks for sharing .

20150527 023646 1 small

It's a lot of hard works, some owner ask u get elsewhere if the tenant want to meet up before paying booking fee !

Kate chew small

@carmenfoong, if really there's such owner, I would rather not deal with the owner. If the so-called genuine owner can do such thing, you won't surprised he won't even pay you the 1 month commission.

20150527 023646 1 small

@kate_chew ...well the owner's reason is he/she pays u the comm to get a tenant and settle everything, don't trouble them to meet up esp if the rents not very high

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Thanks for sharing the useful tips.

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Definitely the number of scammers are increasing these days especially with the internet savvy era, it makes it so much easier for them. Renters and buyers just have to be vigilant and manage it wisely to avoid being scammed.

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Never let your guard down, and never trust your agent too much... even if they show you a name card... a lot of agents do not even have a REN# on their name card!

If something feels dodgy when dealing with the agent or tenant, just walk away from it.

Kate chew small

Sad isn't it? 1 rotten apple spoil the whole bunch!

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My 2cents worth opinion on property agents.

Maybe we should imitate how some overseas country do it... one property appoint only ONE AGENT... and the owner needs to pay for his continued services to locate a tenant. Conflicts between multiple agents, gone.

James bond craig junio2006 small

Dominic, which country is practicing this? This is the first time I am hearing this. Can they stop an owner from appointing more than 1 agent?

James bond craig junio2006 small

And what if that ONE agent is not doing a good job and taking too long to sell or rent out the owner's house? That's not really fair though. Especially with the current slow market condition in Malaysia.

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Australia... i know that is how they do it over there... you see those signboard where they put up in front of the properties... The biggest difference i see is... the agents get PAID for promoting the units... not only when after the deal signed.

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@admin_ps thanks for sharing