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Getting bored of your current home design? Maybe it’s time to kick things up a notch this August! You know what they say, “new month, new you.” That phrase shouldn’t only be limited to wardrobe and hair makeovers – but to homes too! Style is purely driven by personal preference, so it doesn’t matter if you favour loud, bold patterns or soft, muted textures – we have curated some of the best home decorating advice from interior design experts around the globe.

1. Mix Patterns, Textures And Colours

Photo credit: housebeautiful.com

American interior designer Jeffrey Bilhuber is known for his eclectic palette. But if there’s one major takeaway from his designs, it’s that he teaches us not be afraid in mixing things up – be courageous in mixing up the old and new, the expensive and inexpensive. Allow your home to be a reflection of your personality and go with your intuition, so feel free to play around with bold colours, textures and patterns.

2. Beige Is Beautiful

Photo credit: housebeautiful.com

Contrary to Jeffrey, designer John De Bastiani tends to favour the more classic, conservative style when it comes to home interiors. He proudly embraces the beauty of beige, and his designs are proof that beige is not boring. “Beige is classic. It’s sophisticated, it’s soothing. It isn’t trendy, and neither am I. People might call it the safe choice, but I say, What’s wrong with being safe?” he told New York magazine House Beautiful in an interview. If you’re an urban minimalist who delights in simple designs and the occasional colour contrasts, there is plenty that beige can do for your home.

3. Low Furniture Elevates Ceiling Height

Photo credit: housebeautiful.com

Todd Alexander Romano is a New York interior designer who enjoys mixing up antiques in a fresh, cohesive manner. He said that decorating goes beyond picking out pretty things and scattering them around; it’s the floor plan that’s paramount. Todd likes to create strong verticals while avoiding the horizontal, which is why he suggests incorporating low furniture especially for homes with low ceilings, because this creates a vertical illusion that elevates the ceiling and elongates the room’s height.

4. Invest In A Comfortable And Good-Looking Sofa

Photo credit: sofa.com

Never ever skimp on the sofa. Interior experts around the world know the subtle power sofas can have on the living room’s appeal. A dirty, unattractive sofa would absolutely cramp your style, while a stunning but extremely uncomfortable sofa defeats the purpose of comfort. So allocate a bigger budget for a nice and comfy couch!

5. The Wall Art Should Be The Center Of Attention

Photo credit: westelm.com

A good piece of art deserves to be acknowledged and admired. Douglas Mackie, recognised as one of the leading 100 interior designers in the UK, believes that art should be the focal point of any room. If you’d like to spruce things up at home, try a different sort of wall art instead of the quintessential paintings. A cool antique textile or wooden masterpiece can create a tremendous impact.

6. Paint The Ceiling A Lighter Shade

Photo credit: vtwonen.nl

You don’t need a room full of windows to achieve a bright space. Colouring the ceiling a paler hue, such as white, cream or beige will definitely brighten up the space. It will offset your walls nicely. Source help from qualified painters if you need assistance in this area.

7. Go Green With Plants

Most interior designers are big fans of greenery. Plants add a refreshing texture to your home, so don’t hold back from implementing greenery into your humble abode. They are clean, gorgeous, and an inexpensive way to accessorize! Having greens in your space has also been proven to be very therapeutic.

8. Lay Out Rugs

Photo credit: veneerdesigns.com

Rugs are great decor material because they infuse warmth and personality into your home, so don’t hesitate to throw in a pretty rug for good measure. If you have a hardwood floor, a nice rug will soften the space. It protects the surface and saves you the costly upkeep of hardwood floors as well. If you’re concerned about the rug hygiene, hire an expert carpet cleaner to handle the yearly maintenance for you.

9. Use Glass Showers And Tiled Flooring In Small Bathrooms

Photo credit: architectureartdesigns.com

If you have a small bathroom, you might want to look into having glass showers as glass shower doors add instant footage to your room. While you’re at it, you could also include floor tiles to make the room appear slightly bigger.

10. Light-Coloured Walls Make The Room More Spacious

Photo credit: veneerdesigns.com

Lighter shades open up the room, and darker shades close up the room. So if you’re struggling to make your tiny apartment appear a little larger, start off by colouring the walls in a soft beige or eggshell white. Don’t go for deep colours like navy blue or black, because they’ll draw attention to your small room. Soft colours are also perfect for decor flexibility! According to interior stylist Emma Kay who has been featured in ELLE Decoration, she said, “Paint the walls white so you’ll have flexibility to add pattern and colour in as small or large a dose as you fancy.”

We hope these tips have inspired some ideas for your next house project. In the words of interior writer Courtney Price, “Quality always matters. It will cost more to have to redo or replace, so make sure you are working with the best people and highest quality products.”

We can’t agree more! If you’re keen on hiring talented interior designers and home contractorsto help you with redoing your floors, installing new lights, repainting the walls or simply creating a brand new room, Kaodim has your back. Submit a request on our website so we can connect you with trusted professionals whose portfolios reflect promising results and high quality service.


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