Home safety fire prevention usj 2
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今年梳邦再也 USJ2 发生一家四口在夜半失火而丧生的新闻,举国轰动,案发时该双层排屋是底层失火,而楼上窗花锁死,以致这家人罹难。

这起案件犹如一记警钟 ── 唤醒人们要深谙如何做好家居防火措施,而家人具备防火意识是何其重要,而且在失火时第一时间应如何做。




1. 使用标准与工业研究协会(SIRIM)核准的电器。

2. 在厨房、客厅及饭厅间安装烟雾探测器,若是有多楼层,在每层都安装,定时更换电池确保操作正常。

3. 在家里易于取用之处放置灭火器。

4. 保管大门与后门的后备锁匙,以备逃生。


5.    如果有安装窗花,要确定是可以容易打开逃生。一些窗花是有锁扣来锁上锁头。


6. 避免使用多重插座或延长电线插座来驳接多个的电器,以免电流负荷不了,当电流无法负荷时,极有可能会走电而着火。而当超负荷时,断路器或配电板或失灵而着火。


7. 千万别将延长电线插座驳至另一个延长电线插座,这会造成电流负荷飙高。

8. 没使用电器时应关电,并把插头拔出,因为即使插头仍插在插座而已关掣,极可能还有电流。若您离家到外渡假,务必要如此做。

9. 为手机或手提电脑充电时,别置之不理,尤其不要过夜充电。

10. 别在您睡觉或是离家外出时使用使用干衣机。

11. 家居电流系统应定期交由专业人员来检查。如果电线等已遭鼠蚁咬坏就得更换。断路器或配电板也需定期更换。

12. 灶头开火别置之不理。

13. 食油、易燃品等应远离灶头及电器,以防走电有火花时会着火。

14. 如果闻到煤气灶头漏煤气,马上切断供气管,打开所有窗户,走出屋外致电消拯局救助。若是晚上时发生,千万别亮开厨房的电灯,反之应马上打开窗,走到屋外打电话。

15. 别在报章、书本杂志、窗帘等易燃品附近点燃蜡烛



额外贴士:打印逃生路径图 ,让长者幼童可容易明白。











i. 马上用盖盖住镬子等来焗住烟,这可以切断火源的氧气供应

ii. 截断煤气管

iii. 千万别用水去灭火,高温油碰到水时会爆炸,请看这里

iv. 如果火灾情况失控,马上携眷逃出屋外

v. 致电999



i. 如果您是在睡房里,不要先打开门

ii. 查看火烟是否从门底缝侵入

iii. 用手背去伸摸门柄

iv. 如果门柄不是太热,慢慢地打开门

v. 如果火烟还不是太浓,急速通知家里所有人

vi. 按照逃生路径逃离到屋外,协助长子与孩童

vii. 如果已起浓烟,伏下爬行


ix. 逃出屋外后马上拨电999

- 为安全起见,教导小孩看到火烟时,就逃离屋外,而且教导他们,若已逃离危险区,要通知邻居等其他成人。
- 如果您看到门底缝已有火烟袭进,不要打开门,至少可以阻隔火烟。



i. 如果门或门柄太过烫热,而大量浓烟从门缝袭入,不要开门。

ii. 用衣物、被子、毛巾等封住门缝,以防火烟攻入

iii. 马上致电999

iv. 如果是有地住宅而可以打开窗花,爬出屋外向邻居呼救

v. 如果无路可逃,俯身伏下,等待救援

vi. 弄湿衣物、慢慢地呼吸,这只是暂时的应急方法,但无法完全阻隔吸入毒气

vii. 等待消拯员时,保持警惕而小心聆听是否有消拯人员在寻找您

viii. 如果您呼救不果而消拯员没听见,用硬物敲打地板、家俱等制造声响




i. 如果您所处的高楼失火,而火源处非来自您的单位,首先要先知道失火位置

ii. 往窗外或在阳台看是否有火烟冒出


iv. 再次看看您所在的单位/房间及办公楼,门缝底下是否有冒烟

v. 在开门时先鉴定温度

vi. 往外望

vii. 如果没见火烟,或火烟乍看不浓,可用楼梯逃生

viii. 记得关上您所在的单位/房间与办公室的门

ix. 如果有火烟,爬行逃生,吁求其他人也如此做

x. 如果楼梯间有门,查看火烟及感受下门的温度有多高

xi. 如果逃离火场的门感应到温度不高、也没有火烟,开门、低头逃离

xii. 逃离建筑物外,拨电999




i. 一如状况三,阻隔门底缝以挡火烟袭入

ii. 如果窗外及阳台外没有火烟,开窗或走去阳台呼救

iii. 如果窗外或阳台也见到火烟,不要打开,反之关锁起来

iv. 拨电999

v. 伏地等待救援

vi. 制造声响吸引他们的注意力



1. 防患于未然,以免任何不测
2. 防火知识应常记于心,防火工具也常候命
3. 家居失火时,许多人是因浓烟呛鼻而丧命,而非被烧死
4. 失火时记得要爬行,保持身体低姿态
5. 在地面时,安稳地呼吸
6. 如果衣物着火,记得马上停步、倒地、在地面翻转灭火



(Translated by Wayne Chan, 20th April 2017)


Aceakl m jamil ali small

always remember our family safety first before we do renovation for our home

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Yeah, it is also prudent to have an electrician check on your aged electrical wiring once every 10 years.

In my opinion, if your house has an alarm installed... just activate the ALARM if you still can, at least it will attract attention (especially when everyone in the neighborhood is sleeping)... I know some higher end system can help you call the fire brigade/police/ambulance in case of emergencies...

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Just wondering how many of us actually have fire prevention tools like smoke detection alarm, fire distinguishers etc at home? 

Many of us also have fully grilled windows (without openings) at home, well at least my house does, if fire starts downstairs, Im sure dead.

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Yes, the contractor who installed your grille should have asked if you would like to install window grilles with padlocks. Not too late to change if not done, better be safe than sorry later. 

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good sharing. important knowledge for everyone. 

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Yes, and it is prudent to always make sure the keys are hung nearby the fire emergency route. And make sure your room guests know where it is as well. :^)

Own dp small

Yea, it is best to keep the fire extinguiser at an appropriate place and placed smoke alarm between kitchen and living room area.

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Install and maintain regularly... when we need it MOST, it HAS to be functioning...

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always have screw driver and tool set in your bedroom (well there are cases whereby your door knob is locked and you might need to use it) 

and not to mentioned have fire extinguisher (1l can) foam or abc type in room and big one in living hall / kitchen (9kg) 

and have your fire extinguisher service regularly.

i always keep small can in the room (well better than nothing) as it is so cheap to own one nowadays. ... 9kg for 100 plus ringgit and 1l can is less than 15 bucks 

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I wonder what type of fire can the 15 bucks a can fire extinguisher put out?

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I think nowadays with all these news and people being more educated about fire hazard, more and more people have fire extinguisher at home. I have a few at home too. And something not many people realise it's importance too, which is the key to your pad lock to your grill, should always be within your reach. Just in case you need to climb out of your window.

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Maybe to conduct fire drill exercises at home too. Haha. 

Kate chew small

There's an incident recently that happened in USJ 2 sometime ago and it came out in the papers. Usually people died from the fire, it's usually from the great amount of smoke that they inhale and faint. 

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I have attended a Fire Safety and Prevention Awareness Seminar... they recommend the use of a Smoke Hood which can save your life even in thick smoke caused by fire...

Only downside, the price is very STEEP for one of these. BTW, it is non-reusable.

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1 very simple golden rule is to nail a hook near the window of every bedroom & hang the padlock key there. Strap a cute keychain to each key to make it noticeable.

The 2nd golden rule will be to have your immediate neighbours telephone nos  in your phone; advisable to label it as 'neighbour 1, neighbour 2; something easy to remember in times of panic. 'Look out for each others house' as the saying goes.

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Interactions with immediate neighbour. Something city folks often neglect in their busy lives. 

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Come to think of it, this is like a wake up call. My window grill is locked and I have no idea where they keys are!!! Didn't realised it's importance until this.

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Even if you know where your keys are located... It is prudent to try and unlock with the keys occasionally... Just to make sure it WILL work during emergencies.

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Fire safety awareness in our country is very low as it has been taken fro granted. American companies, schools and embassy usually request us to provide fire safety equipment  in the homes for their staff stay.    

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Good that they take good care of their staff by providing fire safety equipment... brace them in the event of a fire.

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@domng Not only its not reusable, it has an effective life span as well, which means need to get it replaced after a certain period.

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Does fire extinguishers have lifespan? I thought if the pressure is periodically checked, it will be ok to use.

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Good question! I found this from google search. 

Most extinguishers last between five and 15 years, according to manufacturers. Check the tag on your extinguisher for dates and manufacturer's instructions. A fire extinguisher with a gauge should be checked every month to make sure it is properly charged. 

I am also learning. Cheers!  

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@domng I think got lah, my office one not only does the pressure fell to 0, the pin also quite tough to pull off, so I reckon yes they do have a lifespan, no matter how much you service it.

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Suggest you highlight this to your safety officer or your boss. You might need to use the fire extinguisher one day. 

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@domng I guess many people overlook this. Like the saying goes 'you won't know you need it until it happens'.

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You won't miss something or someone until they are really gone! Then you wish you have appreciated them more. 

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@admin_ps good sharing