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Mirrors have been all the rage in creating chic modern home décors, with interior designers singing praises to their space enhancing abilities and how they can instantly make a room look bigger, brighter and more spectacular than it ever was before! Well, maybe that was a little bit over the top, but there are many homeowners who aren't aware that they have gone way over the top by taking the experts' advice in the completely wrong direction!

So, for the sake of all things wonderful and stylish about mirrors (as they should be!), we're here to help set the record straight. Spot these most common decorating mistakes using mirrors that everyone should avoid and turn the misguided style around:

1. Placing Mirrors About Anywhere Without A Plan

Photo credit: Feng Shui Nexus

It's very easy to treat mirrors as a piece of décor to simply fill in an empty space on the wall. Mirrors should be used discerningly and creatively to enhance the appearance of a room.

To check if your mirror's in the right place, it's a good idea to take a look at whether it's reflecting an unappealing part of your room like a huge pile of mess on the table, or a worn-out wooden chair that's falling apart - your mirror should always be used to reflect the best light and features in your home.

2. Leaving Mirrors In Direct Sunlight

Even though mirrors are used to reflect light into your home, you should not place them directly under the sunlight. If you've got a mirror that is constantly soaking in the sun on the floor or walls, remove it and find another spot in the house where it will be out of direct sunlight, but can still catch light from a suitable angle to reflect into the rest of the room.

Leaving mirrors under such high temperatures can make them dull and their reflective quality will reduce after some time.

3. Overexposing To Moisture In Kitchens & Bathrooms

Mirrors do make a really good backsplash feature in kitchens and it's certainly a must-have in any bathroom!

However, placing mirrors in areas with high moisture levels can cause black spots on the mirror's front. At the same time, the moisture trapped between the mirror and wall can cause dark stains to appear on the mirror's backing and wall's surface. So think twice about where you hang that mirror!


Also, try to avoid positioning mirrored tiles in the shower stall or placing them too close to where water will splash near the sink - having to deal with constant watermarks means spending more time on maintenance. Create more ventilation by leaving a slight gap between the mirror and wall.

4. Not Using It Tastefully In The Bedroom

This really comes down to individual preferences. From a design point of view, placing a mirror directly in front of your bed where you can see yourself immediately before and after waking up is not such a good idea, since it can be very distracting when your bed is the one place where you should have a peace of mind.


Instead, try placing it beside your bed or hang it up as a headboard above your bed.

5. Placing Mirrors On More Than Two Walls

You've discovered that you can make a room look bigger by using mirrors. However, don't go crazy by having mirrors hung on every wall, thinking that it will quadruple the size of your room, it doesn't work that way!

Having too many mirrors in one room just makes people feel very uncomfortable - as a rule of thumb, keep your mirrors down to two walls in a room.


For more advice on how to decorate and the best way to create functional spaces in your home, just contact our professional interior designers on who can help with a whole range of consultation including floor planning, space design, furniture positioning and sourcing for the best décor suppliers - just send us an inquiry!


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Yes, and take note mirrors facing each other. Will make your house look like those traditional barber shop. Think reflection inside reflections. 

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@kaodim thanks for sharing