West coast expressway


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Will the  West Coast Expressway (WCE Highway) Project will bringing any Benefit for Klang Property Market  here ??  

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Wow ... It's Great !! I think Klang area have few entrance on this highway , right ?

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Of course, any construction of road will benefit to all and this may increase value of properties as well.

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With WCE, i wonder how much travel time will be cut if travelling between south and north peninsula?

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I guess with this new highway WCE, there will be more developments along this whole area due to the easier accessibility.

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From the legend... what does it mean by the dotted red line - WCE (deferred section)?

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Somebody know Klang area , which part of Klang can direct access to WCE Expressway ?

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@kksah5097 thanks for sharing