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Would you be buying (or planning to buy) a property in the next 6 months?

If no, why?

If yes, what is the price range you are looking at?


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Yes I am looking for a property now, purpose is for own stay. Personally think its a good time to buy for own stay now as developers are giving out more freebies than ever due to rather stagnant market; for investment, I think it could wait.

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  Hi Zara, is Kelvin here. I think you have the right mind set in buying property during this season. I know few new property in Klang Valley which give good rebate. Do contact me @ 010-3662036 if you interested.   

20150527 023646 1 small

(This post was removed by author)

20150527 023646 1 small

Everyone should look see, survey & grab