T  e67e22 small

Rasa Sayang is a 40 years old apartment block with 100 units. The developer has gone bankrupt more than 10 years ago. Some owners want to form the JMB (strata-title not out yet). There are no past records are available because the office of the developer caught fire and all documents were destroyed. The liquidator does not have a register with full list of owners. The best they have is a list of new owners who bought units after becoming liquidator.
How do owners prove they are legal owners? Is it stated in Act 757 that owners need to bring their S&P to prove ownership. If there is, I cannot find this.   


E  e67e22 small

Since the strata title has yet to be issued, you may want to consider obtaining a copy of SPA from the legal firm which handled your sales and purchase transaction previously, or alternatively, try to obtain it from your financier.

T  e67e22 small

Thanks for your answer on getting a copy of the SPA from the legal firm or the financier.
On my second query, ' How do owners prove they are legal owners? Is it stated in Act 757 that owners need to bring their S&P to prove ownership. If there is, I cannot find this".

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you can check with the Land Office if the developer has actually applied. Another way, the owner can easily prove his ownership through a land search  also. Or you need lawyer or court order to appointed liquidator opens a Book of Strata with the Land Office  if not you can't obtain your strata either.

for the act, honestly i'm not sure but yes, it is one of the way to prove ownership

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@windzneom Thanks for sharing

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@tactconsult no problem.Anytime