Arc   austin hills andaman propsocial property
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Arc @ Austin Hills 是一个辉煌的崭新服务式公寓发展项目,它将能解决柔佛新山(Johor Bahru)一带房价日渐上涨的问题。同时,它能让中等收入者可以在一个高档的地区里拥有一个价格极为实惠的家。Arc @ Austin Hills 高级服务式公寓将改造极负盛名的 Austin Hills 地貌。

Austin Hills 整体本就是一个非常抢手的服务式住宅发展计划,并且坐落在一个自给自足的活力城镇内,此城镇离蓬勃发展的新山市中心只有几分钟的路程。 Arc @ Austin Hills 完工后,必定能增添该社区天际线的光彩。

Arc @ Austin Hill

战略地位于新山其中一个最高端的地区中,Arc @ Austin Hills 其实也被称为新山的“孟沙”。它坐落在一个非常抢手的地点,特别吸引了年轻一辈的人群。 Arc @ Austin Hills 将俯瞰高尔夫球场的绿色山丘和附近社区的有地住宅,让其住户享受大自然和房子优雅混合在一起的绚丽景色。

居住在 Arc @ Austin Hills 的主要优点是它坐落在很多经精心策划的社区的中心处,这些社区都由著名的发展商所发展。 离 Arc @ Austin Hills 十分钟以内的新发展项目都来自于绿盛世(Ecoworld)、实达集团(SP Setia)、联马置地(UM Land)、顺利实业(KSL)和马星集团(Mah Sing Group)。Arc @ Austin Hills 的买家不但能居住在一个尊贵的社区中,而且也还会被很多由领先发展商所创造的高端项目所包围。


虽然被丰盈茂密的宁静大自然范围包围着,Arc @ Austin Hills 实际上位于一个活跃的城镇内,其内附带能迎合每一位住户的种种设施和设备。当中最突出的邻近设备是和丽园高尔夫球度假村酒店(Austin Heights Golf & Hotel Resort)。这意味着住户将能享受繁华社区以及起伏的高尔夫球场的壮丽景色;该高尔夫球场与和丽园高尔夫球度假村酒店相连。

除此之外,Arc @ Austin Hills 还能享有无障碍的连接至独特崭新的和丽园水上乐园(Austin Heights Water Park),是该州的首个类似发展,吸引了很多来自全国各地的游客到此。这个优秀的水上乐园将与高尔夫球场连通,为此增添了其卓越的标志。

柔佛州最顶级的教育机构都设在这社区内,和丽园国际学校(Austin Heights International School)仅坐落在其商业区的中心处。这个校舍提供中小学教育,而住户若想要的话,还可以选择让孩子报读五分钟以外的双威学院接受高等教育。享誉国际的飞优国际学校(Fairview International School)也只在 Arc @ Austin Hills 的方圆5公里内。

发展商自豪表示,Arc @ Austin Hills 的住户将能方便地接触到城镇里一系列完善的设备。距离家园数分钟的范围内有苏丹依斯迈医院(Hospital Sultan Ismail)为住户提供医疗保健服务。另外,在短暂的车程内还设有新山大永旺(Aeon Big Johor Bahru)超市和易康省(Econsave)-大马自身的超市品牌。除此之外,稍微再远一点既有特易购(Tesco)超市。

在通勤方面,经常往返新加坡的住户将可以享有 Arc @ Austin Hills 和新关卡(CIQ Complex)15公里的短暂距离便利性,而士乃国际机场仅在20公里处,或大约20分钟的车程。位于20公里外的柔佛名牌商品城(JPO)和乐高乐园(Legoland)将能迎合购物者以及有小孩的家庭人士。被看好为一个优雅和热闹的社区,这里的商业中心会设满人们经常光顾的商店和餐馆。

为发展商精细的策划提供洞察, Arc @ Austin Hills 将与主要的大道相连,当中包括新山东海岸大道(Johor Bahru East Coast Parkway)、士姑来大道(Skudai Highway)、沿海高速公路(Coastal Highway)、东部疏散大道( Eastern Dispersal Link Expressway)、和地不老大道(Tebrau Highway)。 Arc @ Austin Hills 能由南北大道(PLUS)和甘拔士(Kempas)直接通往。若使用所有的临近高速公路,通往镇内和其他城里热闹的地点将是一件轻而易举的事,而前往新山市中心仅需十分钟的车程。

Arc @ Austin Hills - 工程

拥有3座楼宇, Arc @ Austin Hills 将横跨于5.11英亩的黄金永久地契土地。

Arc @ Austin Hills 的单位布局设计都经深思熟虑。买家可从三种不同的户型中做出选择,这些单位的建成面积介于650至900平方尺之间。A型单位的买家将得到面积650平方尺的房子,并附有两间卧室和两间浴室;B型单位的买家则会有面积850平方尺的单位,其单位拥有三间卧室和两间浴室。C型单位的买家将享有 Arc @ Austin Hills 最大的900平方尺单位,这些单位一样将有三间卧室和两间浴室。

然而,Arc @ Austin Hills 的单位密度相当高,总单位多达1,843间。

Arc @ Austin Hills 至少低于市场价格25%

但出乎意料的是,虽然位于黄金地点并且拥有适宜的单位面积和非常可取,但是 Arc @ Austin Hills 发展计划的售价仍低于市场的一般价格。周围发展项目的售价都于每平方尺550令吉或以上,但 Arc @ Austin Hills 的价格则定位于500令吉以下;为此而能提供低于市场价格的超值产品。

这一点是 Arc @ Austin Hills 的最大卖点,认真的买房者将有机会以286,000令吉在黄金的地点拥有自己的家。即使是最大的单位,其最高销售价格也都定位于500,000令吉,让中等收入的人士也能够负担得起。


拥有低售价的当儿,Arc @ Austin Hills 还配有轻易的购买条件。它有一个低首期计划,让很多买家松一口气。此发展计划的房贷顶限可高达买卖合约价格的90%。

这些因素吸引了不少购房者对这个高档发展感兴趣。资助此计划的七个主要本地银行是马来亚银行(Maybank)、大众银行(Public Bank)、联昌银行(CIMB)、艾芬银行(Affin)、大马银行(Ambank)、Muamalat银行、以及兴业银行(RHB);而国际银行则有华侨银行(OCBC)和汇丰银行(HSBC)。


Arc @ Austin Hills 的另一个主要卖点是其优美的设施。即使有一系列完善的优质设施,Arc @ Austin Hills 的管理费及储备金(sinking fund)每平方尺只为25.3仙。在 Arc @ Austin Hills 众多的设施当中包括了一个奥运标准的泳池。


若想放松肌体与恢复活力,Arc @ Austin Hills 设有设计精美的日式花园,其花园内还建有一个锦鲤池。住户们能在放工之余到这宁静的花园散步减压,又或者可以选择到健康花园(Wellness Garden)去。至于比较喜欢以一些柔韧方式解压的住户来说,这里有瑜伽室让瑜伽修炼者使用。另外,Arc @ Austin Hills 还为热爱运动的住户准备了各种的运动设施,当中包括了壁球场和健身室。除此,欲在运动后放松肌肉,可到此处设好的桑拿室去。


Arc @ Austin Hills 强调且注重住户们的安全,因此采取了各种安全措施。在 Arc @ Austin Hills 百万令吉的建筑范围内设置了闭路电视监控摄像机,它们被置放在住宅范围的围篱还有其他的战略地点。另外,只有持有住户通行卡的人士才能出入公寓楼。

住户们能享有的其他的便利设施包括这里所设有的3,336个停车位。这将确保发展计划将来不会有停车位短缺的问题。此外,发展商也提供卫星电视共享天线(SMATV)插点。不但如此,Arc @ Austin Hills 的住户还能收取新加坡的电视频道,这对于新加坡籍的住户是件极大好事。

Arc @ Austin Hills - 我的第一间家?

Arc @ Austin Hills 是首次购房者的完美选择,还有那些想要把房子提升于一个颇负盛名的地点的人。其高贵的玻璃制门面以及周全的内部和外部建筑结构,都是经过精心的制作,以为住户提供最高的舒适感。

提供一个远离城市的喧嚣但同时仍然靠近城市中心的百万令吉休闲处并非一件容易的事,而 Arc @ Austin Hills 成功把它给实践了,还为买家提供低于市价25%的豪华房子,即被大自然包围着也靠近镇区。只有在 Arc @ Austin Hills 人们才有可能以少于260,000令吉来拥有一间二睡房、二浴室的单位-还可能附有两个停车位(只限指定单位)。*


Arc @ Austin Hills 是由一个已成功完成很多优秀发展项目的发展商所打造。他们其中一项最早期的发展项目是位于梳邦再也USJ(USJ Subang Jaya)的 Casa Subang 公寓,而且至今依然是一个非常受欢迎的居住地。另外比较新颖的发展项目有位于史里肯邦安(Seri Kembangan)的 Diamond Square Shops 和 Diamond Residence。凭借着强大的团队,安达集团( Andaman Property Group)自2005年以来已成功实现了价值超过30亿令吉的总销售额。而截至2016年第一季度,集团已赢得了30多项荣誉和奖项。敬请浏览 或拨电至1700-81-8118询问更多详情。


(Translated by Yau Yin Wey, 21st April 2016)


Screen shot 2016 01 21 at 8.27.17 pm small

luxury living 25% below market price, but in Johor. xP

James bond craig junio2006 small

@Zara_Yeow, why not? I would not call it luxury living if it's in the middle of the busy congested KL City Centre. Considering the starting price is only RM286k.

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@james_bob Oh no i did not mean anything bad. I mean it appeals to Johorians and those down north probably, but not us in Klang Valley area lah. Btw, here got such developments not? Hahaha

James bond craig junio2006 small

@Zara_Yeow, haha no worries. With that price in KL probably only low cost apartment or studio. 

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Low cost apartment -  nono for me 

Studio - not realistic for family living liao

Conclusion: Earn more money LOL

Img thing small

Is this consider the Iskandar project? Or nearby? I guess lots of investors from Singapore will be looking up on this.

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I suppose it is within the Iskandar development area.

James bond craig junio2006 small

Is Andaman a good reliable developer so far?

Z  f1c40f small

pls dont buy this project,since they are under meda inc company. this company have a lot defect and the management will push the issues to owner

James bond craig junio2006 small

@zhiwee5468, you bought one of their units before? What happened?

Udsw fxmazmy2214233 small

you are true, Meda Inc is main company, they have sub company project in Johor larkin, this year January collected key,but the defect haven't repair. Please consider it if you want buy this project,suck management

Z  f1c40f small

buy their project will Lifetime of regret

James bond craig junio2006 small

@alexTan, to be honest, a lot of developers are like that too. Which owner will actually be perfectly happy with the end result upon handing over of key? Don't think I have come across any UNLESS you are buying from BRDB which is well-known for their quality furnishing which cost a bomb. You get what you paid for. You will be surprised, even big established developers such as Sime Darby and Sunway Property, upon handing over of keys, it's also very disappointing. And it's not a very affordable property. 

@zhiwee5468, what actually happened to you?  

Screen shot 2016 01 21 at 8.27.17 pm small

I think defect is inevitable, most important thing is developer takes action after that, thats what matters.

Udsw fxmazmy2214233 small

collected key January,until now the defect haven't do yet, if your are consider to buy.pls go.ahead,i.just tell you what i have experience.

James bond craig junio2006 small

Actually I totally agree with you Zara! Actually there will be complaints from buyers no matter how good the end product is. But as long as they rectify the issues after that, I think it's acceptable. Can't have perfection. Or exactly what you see in the show gallery. Haha.

Alex, that's a shame, since January it's a long time. How did you escalate this issue to them? Maybe warn them, if they don't rectify by next month, then you will report this to the authority together with other residents who are facing the same issue?

Udsw fxmazmy2214233 small

i also agree with Zara,i know don't have perfection production. all resident went to complaint, developer just disregard our complaint. so we need to go government COB department to pressing them. if can choose please don't buy this developer house,even cheaper 25%,you will regret if you choose this developer. i'm the one,if can choose one more time, i will not buy their project anymore event cheaper 50% in market

Kate chew small

I am surprised! I always thought Andaman was a good and reliable developer. This is the first time I heard of complaints about them. 

Udsw fxmazmy2214233 small

no need to surprised, their company will said, this is my first project in JB,of course first, their main company got few of sub company.after you purchased, they will said,this project no under our company, any problem. please look for my main company.if you really buyer, please go buy and try. time will prove everything.

Own dp small

Andaman do have a development in Ipoh, Tiger lane right?

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@JLean, yea i think so.

James bond craig junio2006 small

JLean, yes they do. Know much about this project? Is it as bad as what they say about Arc @ Austin Hill?

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@admin_ps good sharing