52084 10151971120151508 475893377 o small

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 061  img 5963 small

Jae Jun, I've heard that your Marina Pangkor property is a good investment and apparently they are building more phases now. Seems like it's going to be a big thing. Why don't you share with us on this?

Img thing small

Well, I'm staying in KL at the moment. Island investment might be quite hassle for me having to travel just to check on the property once in awhile. I prefer to invest in something I can see all the time.

But I guess, if you want to focus your ROI on tourist, for example like want to rent it our as homestay for travellers, then I guess it's a good idea. Apart from that, I think City Property Investment might have a higher ROI.

52084 10151971120151508 475893377 o small
1380434 10201431210114979 1940676289 n small

Island investment, mostly is based on season? some periods can be a lot of tourists, but some not..

@Jae_Jun marina island looks impressive! Whats the investment budget range right now??

E  2c3e50 small

Anyting in United States? Preferbably Mid - States.

52084 10151971120151508 475893377 o small

@Nicolas Ng Investment value are starting from RM 250k to RM 4 mil
Service Apartment range from RM 250k - RM 1mil
Villa range from RM 2.5 mil - RM 4 mil

1380434 10201431210114979 1940676289 n small

@Jae_Jun what is the psf for service apartment? starting only 250k?

S  16a085 small

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P  2c3e50 small

How is this progress of this project? Is it successful?

Not pouring cold water .... but my gut feel, very low chance of success...

A  c0392b small
20%!! Like buying high return bonds, which normally have low face value... so if you are promised something with a high return... it also have high chance to default.
P  2c3e50 small

A joke from a pinoy friend .... don't buy in an island, when sea level is high u have nothing...

Kate chew small

Hahahaha! Quite true.