High speed rail malaysia singapore propsocial
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马新高铁的一项大优点是,乘客从吉隆坡到新加坡的裕廊东( Jurong East)只需要90分钟,并且还以实惠的价格打败乘搭飞机的麻烦,同时绝对比在长途巴士上颠簸过夜来得更舒服和快捷。

而这一切又对大马民众意味着什么呢?在老一辈人的记忆里,他们会记得当初轻快铁系统(LRT)在宣布之时也造成一波风潮,让轻快铁站周边地段的物业价格节节上升,价格不止飙升了双倍,甚至达三倍之高 — 同时在轻快铁站周边的租金收益率也成倍的增加。

既然有前例可循,目前房地产投资者已经开始把目光盯紧马新高铁站的相关区域,随时等着分一杯羹。而就像日本的子弹列车那样,马新高铁路线虽长,但却只设立了几个站点包括大马城(Bandar Malaysia)、芙蓉、麻坡、爱极乐(Ayer Keroh)、峇株巴辖(Batu Pahat)和依斯干达公主城(Iskandar Puteri)。


大马城 — Bandar Malaysia


尽管这城镇项目细节尚未正式公布,不过购房者已在耳听八方,时刻注意最新消息了。更吸引人的是,设计建造吉隆坡中环(KL Sentral)的发展商马资源置地 — MRCB Berhad 也将联合大马城的发展商共同建造大马城综合交通终站(Bandar Malaysia Integrated Transportation Terminal)。

芙蓉 — Seremban

马新高铁在大马城站之后的几分钟就是芙蓉站了,站点将会设在芙蓉达城(Bandar Sri Sendayan)区内,相关地段主要由金群利集团 — Matrix Concepts 负责规划。2015年5月时进一步证实车站会坐落于拉务(Labu)和 Kirby estates 区内,邻近 Sendayan Tech Valley、 TH Properties 旗下即将到来的发展项目恩斯德镇-Bandar Enstek、 森那美集团(Sime Darby)的安斯黛儿城(Bandar Ainsdale)和 IJM 置地的 S2 Height 等发展项目。相关区域也方便直通南北大道(PLUS)。

而让投资者兴奋的是,马新高铁芙蓉站偌大的土地发展将交由森那美集团负责。集团计划在这块土地规划建造一个名为 Sime Darby Vision City 的综合发展项目。此外,森那美还打算把 Vision City 打造成芙蓉“全新的核心地带”。

爱极乐 — Ayer Keroh


由于可预见未来巨大的经济效应, 斯里依德打算提升城镇的基本设施,以确保在未来马新高铁完成后爱极乐不会因游客过多而造成交通瘫痪。而因为本地消费便宜,因此以后将会有许多马六甲和吉隆坡居民继续在本地居住,但选择通勤至新加坡工作。

麻坡 — Muar


森那美产业集团旗下的巴莪大学城(Bandar University Pagoh)发展项目,距离巴莪镇中心只需15分钟路程。大学城将容纳各大学府包括大马科技大学、 Tun Hussein Onn 大学、 国际伊斯兰大学和巴莪理工学院。发展商预计教育区的首期工程能够在2016年准备就绪,并能容纳11,000名学生。

巴莪大学城预计占地4,082英亩,并享有巴莪在南北大道交汇处的交通便利。镇区也连接森那美商业园(Sime Darby Business Park)、Saujana Square 商业中心和几个住宅项目如 Harmoni Vista 为例。

峇株巴辖 — Batu Pahat



依斯干达公主城 — Iskandar Puteri


依斯干达公主城的前身是努沙再也 (Nusajaya),这区中心地带的教育城(educity)已经是物业投资者的关注重点。在区内的大学包括南汉普敦大学(University of South Hampton)、雷丁大学(University of Reading),威廉王子妃凯瑟琳曾就读的马尔伯勒学院分校(branch of the Marlborough College)以及提供线上修读足球管理学位 (FMD) 的Johan Cruyff Institute Malaysia (JCIM)。



当年,轻快铁(Putra LRT)初建成之时,车站周边的房产价格轻易就呈翻倍增长。现在马新高铁是城里的新一波刺激点,物业投资者们已经在摩拳擦掌准备竞购好房产了,如果您也在寻找心目中的“笋盘”,别忘了在PropSocial寻找新房产

(Translated by: Gabriel Ngiam, 23th September 2016)


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Anyone invested in the property nearby HRS area? or own an existing property nearby. Any suggestion and tip?

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But traveling 90 mins per trip or 180 mins to and fro to work, I cannot take it lor. unless bring pillow to sleep in the train and buy multiple locks to secure handbag while sleeping. But nonetheless, I think properties around HSR are good investment options.

E  16a085 small

Completion of HSR is 2026 if follow the expected schedule...what If the schedule delay ? If wanna buy property near HSR, need strong holding power and must be ready to pay min ten years installments before completion. 

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sound legit @ericchin589, but it will be completing portion by portion right, I guess that's kind of worse case scenario. But you're right, better be well prepare :D

Jonathan de ho half body small

Why not just buy LRT or MRT link property that will link to TRX station where HSR is link? But if outskirt like Melacca then its diff story :)

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Agreed with you. @jdh 

James bond craig junio2006 small

This High Speed Rail is just a proposed initiative right??? Or has it already been approved? Anyway the completion date is only in 2026. Long way to go.

Kate chew small

Still a long time from now!!!

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Still speculations all around for the exact location of the stops in between KL (Bandar Malaysia) and Singapore (Jurong East). 

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If for projects around HSR designated area are selling at a reasonable current market price then it's still worth the shot. But if these projects are selling at a future price, it seems unreasonable as the 8 has yet to have a 0 (indirect mandarin translation)..IMHO the ideal time to buy such properties would be 4-6 years before the completion of HSR, only if HSR is the main reason you want the property....just my 2 cent...

James bond craig junio2006 small

Lee Shun Zhong, 4 - 6 years before completion of HSR would be 2020. Let's see how's the property market like when the time comes :P

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Well James, I'll rather be safe than taking the risk on HSR area's project. Whilst waiting for the area to mature, we could also observe how's the progress of HSR. The price may have increase by then, but at least it's more secure and worthy for investment purpose or own stay. 

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The HSR stop at Iskandar Puteri confirmed to be near Melia Residences @ Gerbang Nusajaya? It appears to be true according to what i gather so far.

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Oh wow! From KL to Singapore about 90 minutes??? Very impressive. Hopefully by then Sing $$ Dollars will drop :P

L  2c3e50 small

Should we take into account the punctuality of the train as well? This is Malaysia anyhow. LOL

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If the punctuality and reliability of the HSR is similar to the standards we see in Japan... then it will potentially benefit lots of people from both Singapore and Malaysia.

James bond craig junio2006 small

Well yes, if this project is being carried out and completed successfully within the timeframe, I am sure it will benefit the people and also investors, which is definitely a good value to everyone.

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The KL MRT will be commencing its operations soon... hope this is the first taste of the good things to come in terms of public transport reliability.

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Dominic, I thought it has started already? Read it somewhere last week.

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this month started

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i read from chinese newspaper ytday saying that this HSR by the time of completion will bring great impact to budget airlines.

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@Zara_Yeow, yup definitely. It'll be a disruption to budget airlines flying KL - SG and SG - KL.

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Can get to KL and Singapore city centre faster with HSR compared to airline. Even intercity bus travel between Singapore and KL will be affected by HSR. Same time and probably safer and more pleasant. 

Kate chew small

Yes agree with you, Dominic!

J  d35400 small

Looking forward to HSR project

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I am looking forward for this!

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@admin_ps thanks for sharing