High speed rail kl singapore propsocial
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马新高速铁路(HSR)或简称马新高铁,是捷运计划中的最新发展部分。HSR 能在99分钟内接通吉隆坡和新加坡,比起四至五小时的车程或七小时的电动火车通勤时间短得多。HSR 甚至还比乘搭飞机来得方便,因为乘客将不再需要来回飞机场。

然而,HSR 火车站的数量有限,一个将设在吉隆坡(大马城-Bandar Malaysia)、一个在芙蓉、一个在马六甲,另外柔佛州将有三个站,分别在于麻坡、爱极乐(Ayer Keroh)和峇株巴辖。最后一站将设在依斯干达公主城(Iskandar Puteri)里。而新加坡的高铁站将设在裕廊东(Jurong East)。

大马亨利行房地产私人有银公司(Henry Butcher)首席运营官 Tang Chee Meng 表示,HSR 火车站将成为其所在区域的催化剂。HSR 车站的所在城镇,尤其是靠近火车站的地区,楼市预计将迅速上升。

他还表示,虽然当地经济可能不会从 HSR 计划中受益很多,但楼市肯定会受到正面影响 - 尤其是小城镇。


因此,许多购房者已开始在该州寻找物业,作为居住在吉隆坡的替代选择。随着 HSR 站的即将成立,极可能会带动更多购房者开始在芙蓉落户,因为使用马新高铁往返工作地点非常方便可行。

较早前于8月27号,Tang 被邀到 TheEdgeProperty.com 举办的 “吉隆坡市研讨会 - 2016年新加坡高速铁路” 做出讲座,他的讲座主题为 “投资最佳点:芙蓉-爱极乐”。

该研讨会的另一个主要发言人是 Samuel Tan,是柔佛州 KGV 国际物业顾问公司(KGV International Property Consultants)的执行董事。他所针对的地区是依斯干达发展特区、峇株巴辖和麻坡。

Samuel Tan 认为,由于依斯干达公主城接近新加坡,因此相信该区的高铁计划会相当成功。向往在马来西亚购买物业定居的新加坡打工一族,无需再面对日复一日过关卡的交通拥堵情况,高铁能让往返两国的过程变得更方便。


随着隔夜政策利率(OPR)的降息、发展商被允许发放贷款,还有雪兰莪州取消土著购买物业的10%折扣福利消息,HSR 是市场中的下一个热门话题,让许多炒房者都对市场的动态保持密切关注。

欲知更多有关楼市的最新消息,敬请浏览 PropSocial 的网页;或点击这里寻找市场上最新的发展项目!

(Translated by: Yau Yin Wey, 26th September 2016)


Jonathan de ho half body small

This will be a game changer of the market. More people could stay in KL even is employed in Singapore

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I think this will attract more foreigner to invest to Malaysia once the HSR from KL to SG, maybe there will have another extension from China to Thailand and also to KL.

San antonio spurs wallpaper small

Agreed, but need wait till 2026 ==

James bond craig junio2006 small

Overall, I think this will be a good thing. Will increase the tourism for both Malaysia and Singapore too due to the convenience and accessibility. 

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(This post was removed by author)

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  Agreed too! It's okay to wait until 2026. 10 years later only and it is not too long.

P  2c3e50 small

10 years is very long ... 1 cycle already. Plus all the delays and bureaucracy, may be more than 10 years

Kate chew small

It will be ready only 10 years from now?????!!!

Signature 28 logo  custom  small

Should be completed by 2026 if there are no big surprises along the way... from the diagram, Malaysia will construct more than 90% of the tracks while Singapore will cover the final 5%... really looking forward to it!

L  2c3e50 small

Looking forward to the completion. But many things need to take into consideration even though in the future. For example, the punctuality of the train.

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@ Ling. Agreed. The pricing structure for frequent travelers will be a motivating factor to take the train across for those who work in Singapore while living nearby the Iskandar Puteri HSR station.

James bond craig junio2006 small

Anticipate how much per ticket? RM100-200?

C  16a085 small

Anyone knows the price of the ticket? This is a crucial issue to be considered too. If too expensive then it may not benefit the areas significantly. 

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I foresee it will depend on the ongoing rate of Singapore dollar vs Malaysia ringgit when the ticket prices are announced... just like when Singapore implement their toll fare to counter Malaysia toll, the government use the latest exchange rate.

Kate chew small

Yea, Dominic is right

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The problem now is. The exchange rate is ever changing. The rate is favourable towards Singapore dollars and the gap is getting bigger and bigger every year. Sigh... 

Own dp small

That's great for people who work in Singapore and travel back there from Malaysia using Bus as it provides a faster transit. Hopefully the cost of ticket per way won't be costing a bomb or it will defeat the purpose ..

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@JohnL agreed with u. but i dont think it gonna be cheap. sure exp than bus ticket price. 

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The return ticket currency i anticipate will be in the country where you bought it... i.e. if you buy a return ticket from Malaysia, it will be charged in Ringgit (usually cheaper), whereas if you buy your return ticket in Singapore, it will be charged in Singapore dollar (usually more expensive)...

Anyone with experience of cross country high speed rail services in other parts of the world?

James bond craig junio2006 small

Well, if it's cheaper than taking flight or almost same as driving down, I don't mind. Save time and hassle.

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Save a lot of precious time by reaching your destination closer to the city center compared to reaching the airport which is usually far from the city center... and the extra hassle of going through immigration at both departure and arrival points...really i will not consider taking the flight anymore...

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@domng agreed. hopefully it is not too pricey.

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Hope that the HSR will collaborate with the MRT + Bus operators in KL and Singapore... and offer combo tickets (HSR + MRT + Bus)... to make the ticket even more value for money.

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Seems like everyone is excited about this :)

L  2c3e50 small

But frankly speaking, although it is convenience, but if I work in Singapore, I will rather stay in JB instead of KL. 

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I am super excited about the HSR and its success... because i stay very near one of their stations...

James bond craig junio2006 small

@Ling, I have a Johorian friend who used to work in KL and now he is working in Singapore. He shared his experience and told me that it's so much easier to travel from KL-Johor and Johor-KL, than Johor-Singapore and Singapore-Johor. He said it takes him shorter time when he was in KL going back to Johor because of the crazy traffic and immigration between Singapore-Johor.

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Yes the congestion at the check point is crazy sometimes... just make sure you are traveling off peak hours and it should be bearable. That is why still so many choose to work in Singapore and living in Johor.

Own dp small

Yes, There will definitely have a hiccup during the immigration check at the checkpoint but you will definitely save more working in S'pore than in KL though. Dollar to dollar comparison do make a difference.

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Another thing to take note. Nowadays working in KL requires you to own a car and drive to work. Whereas is Singapore, it is a luxury to own a car and unnecessary. 

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@admin_ps thanks for sharing