House for sale 5 ways to go green 1
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好莱坞名人莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥所说的 ‘Green is the New Black’(“绿色是当下的流行色”)这句话倡导提高人们对气候变化的意识。而马来西亚政府的“垃圾分类”倡议想要传播的讯息是每个人都应开,并可以为保护环境出一分力。



一、 改用节能的 LED 灯泡,同时确保有充足的自然光线


另一种方法即是把普通的荧光灯泡改为节能的 LED 灯泡。LED 灯泡不仅更具成本效益,而且与普通灯泡相比下具有更长的寿命。这些环保灯泡的用电量比传统灯泡少25%至80%,而且有更长的寿命(3至25倍更长的寿命),长期下去您可以节省数百令吉。您换不换?

(点阅此文了解 LED 灯的好处以及如何以 LED 灯美化您的家园)





所有的家用电器和电子产品都需使用电力来操作,但有些电器或电子产品的耗电率较高。这包括您的调制解调器/路由器(modem/router)、烧水壶、电脑(几乎常常都不关上)和等离子电视(plasma TV)。







额外提示:想要节省更多吗?查看这个 Drumi 便携式洗衣机,让您可以以无电和用水量最少的方式来洗衣,其它的品牌有 The Laundry PodGira Dora。您可以在10分钟内使用这些无电环保洗衣机清洗衣物!它们的小巧尺寸非常适合自己住和家居比较小的人使用。




开始为环保出一份力吧,开始把电脑关上,并选择更节能的替代配件,节省电力成本。虽然购买 LED 灯和安装太阳能板现在看起来像是很巨大的费用,但长期下去它们每年可以为您节省数百令吉的电费。


(Translated by: Yau Yin Wey, 3rd March 2017)


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Installing solar panels are viable and practical solution for us since we have long hours of sun light throughout the year. Can also sell back unused electricity back to TNB. 

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Is there any projects where solar panels was part of the package? 

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Dont forget about rain water harvesting  =)

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Feed In Tariff (FiT) by Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA)

i have created a discussion topic for the those who interested in installing solar panels on rooftops...

Kate chew small

Actually I am quite curious. With Malaysian weather being so hot all the time, how come there's no installation of solar panels in our homes here in Malaysia? I think some countries do install this commonly? Care to share?

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Hahahaha..Kate, I have the same thought as well. But then after I checked the price of solar panel, it seems like going TNB is much cost

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The ROI for the solar panels. Is not as attractive as before because now the FIT quota is now full. If you one of those who invested in solar panels under the FiT back in 2011. Your ROI should be around now. 

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Hi @kate_chew,

The price is mainly the issue- is about Rm40K above so people may need to appy loan to finance it for solar panels. Mostly now are installed by factories, shop houses, manufacturing companies that have the budget.

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Great info to shared among malaysians to save more electricity and $$ on the monthly bills. Making sure each and everyone is educate with these info and teach the younger generation in order to preserve our mother nature.

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Maybe all it needs is a bit a green-awareness in Malaysia. Introduce some tax incentive and rebates from government's budget in other to generate more interest from property owners?

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Ok, that explains why we don't have solar panels for our homes here.

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Not to mention the possibility of theft and burglary-access through the solar panels...

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agreed with u. there should be some rebate for people who install it


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@Nic. Rebates yes will spur interest. And since we have summer days in Malaysia all year long. It is a matter of time before we hit the ROI figures. 

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Does anyone in Malaysia uses solar panels in their homes? Don't think I've seen any before. Or perhaps I am not observant.

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Omg those washing machines, must buy! Especially for someone who doesn't like to work their hands too long in water while hand-washing their clothes! Like me.

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@veron do not see much also... maybe not profit making for owner since need to pay capital to set up the solar panel first

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You may want to fly a drone around your area to spot the solar panels. Surely you will see much more with a aerial view! 

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@veron I have seen a few in Putra Heights. Panels are cheap nowadays.compared to last time. Btw does anyone here knows how to do Energy Audit. TNB is giving me headache. My electricity bill has gone up for my usual $113-$233. I have complaint to TNB since last September and they are still checking according to their staff.

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Do you mean TNB will appoint their third party contractor to do an Energy Audit when consumers lodge a complaint about unusually high electricity bill?

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You can do the home energy audit via the tnb website using their Home Energy Calculator. Click on this link

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@domng Alternatively you can also go to this link by Cetdem to calculate your electicity consumption link

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Thanks for sharing. I can see it is really useful for those households who want to reduce their power consumption and electricity bill.

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@renachang something informative here, never knew about this, thanks Rena for sharing.

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At the end of the day, the awareness to switch off all electrical appliances, fans and lighting when not in use will save more than you thought.

Replacing traditional bulbs with LED type will incur some upfront investment, however the ROI will come in a few years time. 

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the cost in investing on the sola (under the MIDA project) can kill you ... you basically need to fork up easily 40 to 60k depending on how big is your house to have it installed and sign a sell back contract to get the investment back on a monthly basis... so to me if you do not have money to invest up front, you are not going to get any gain in return

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The ROI is there since there are a lot of sunlight hours all year long in Malaysia. We are after all located near the equator line...

Need to risk having the solar panels stolen, which means we need to insure it against theft? More cost incurred in the end.

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@admin_ps thanks for sharing