Segambut house for sale the era 1
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坐落于北 Duta 的 The ERA 名如其实创新世纪,皆因整个项目蓝图都是以时尚服务式套房为主,以迎合新世纪的城市家居生活。由于位居要津而深具策略性,只位于杜达玛斯(Dutamas)及满家乐(Mont Kiara)以北,通往一般设备也无往不达。

这项综合性项目占地14.8英亩,是古晋路(Jalan Kuching)旁的一块永久地契地皮。一旦落成,将会有六幢拔地而起的摩天楼宇、楼层高达53层至63层。这几幢楼宇将设有服务式公寓,而楼裙则是8层楼高的停车场,以及3层楼的商铺,零售面积达27万7000平方尺。目前 The ERA 也策划开辟办公室,即可成为包罗万象的综合性项目,适合居住或投资,而落成楼宇总售价更高达5亿8300万令吉。


The ERA 公寓套房设计心思周详,面积有多款选择,从务实的614平方尺到舒适的800平方尺至1000平方尺面积,皆任君选择。至于空中花园单位及阁楼则精彩绝伦地展现出奢华之美,另外还有面积约1300平方尺的双钥匙单位,可供舒适居家,或是多代同堂享天伦,又或是让买家做为投资生财工具。

The ERA 的服务公寓将以三阶段开发,各取名为“晨曦”(Dawn)、“晌午”(Noon)、“日暮”(Eve),迎合任何年龄层与不同生活类型的人们,成为他们的温暖家居。


首阶段的服务式公寓总面积达614平方尺至2928平方尺。纵观 The ERA 策略性的位置及单位面积,尺价达至每平方尺600令吉,如斯的价位绝对是诱人无比!


The ERA 绝对将高楼家居生活推向更高峰,特别是发展商果敢地建设逾100种设备,供买家可在市嚣中喘一口气、休闲及悠然地过日常生活。

发展商最具雄心的做法,就是在 The ERA 内建造一个森林村,这是一个空中森林,将植上树龄50年以上的树及营造湿地,蓊郁的树木自成一林,俨然是城市里的栖地保育区,收尽大自然风光,而湿地则可让住户探索大自然,因为这将成为各类花草茂盛生长的栖身所。而树上屋、凌空亭子及树荫下的舒适椅区,都让住户可在有必要时,在这野外般的场地,一享宁静,逃离市嚣。

而且 The ERA 也不忘为住户带来松懈身心活动的场所,这包括在树林村里建造跑步道、还有100米长、清澈见底而清凉的泳池,以及设备摩登时尚的运动俱乐部,里面将设有一流的运动器材设备。

不论是日出日落,从 The ERA 高处眺望之景必会醉人。“望月台”以高取胜,是 The ERA 精心打造而设于最顶峰,而“天台吧”及“凌空亭”,则可让人写意地躺下享受微风、沐浴在天际下的星光,将吉隆坡市区远至峇都喼(Batu Caves)、蒂蒂旺沙(Titiwangsa)及即将打造成功的“吉隆坡大都市”(KL Metropolis),全隆市景尽收眼帘。

在城市生活之中,休闲娱乐活动不可或缺,而 The ERA 特辟宴会厅,让住户招待亲友共聚一堂,而且还设有美食厨房,更特设清真与非清真厨房,让主人家可以大展身手下厨招待亲友。

而在慵懒的下午,就可以下楼到 Fiesta Walk 商铺区闲逛,这商区将仿造欧洲坡道商铺的风情,可让人惬意地逛至林荫大道,或找间咖啡座坐下喝一杯,甚至可在晚上与友人在露天餐馆来餐叙浅酌,The ERA 的 Fiesta Walk 是让人耽溺于悠闲时光的所在。而Fiesta Walk的另一端则是银行街,以生活机能丰盛的商铺见称,为都市居家生活提供各种便利。


虽然一些地区名冠上“东”、“南”、“西”、“北”等被视为是吸引后知后觉的买家的市场手段,不过 The ERA 则要打破这种负面印象。即使 The ERA 确实是坐落在泗岩沫(Segambut),不过 The ERA 与杜达玛斯(Dutamas)只是数公里之遥,目前拟建一道高架桥来衔接两地。

这高架桥将直通 The ERA 和杜达玛斯地区,同时也可连接到富贵逼人的社区 — 满家乐,以及即将建峻的“吉隆坡大都市”社区。而且,与 The ERA 毗连的还包括 Solaris Dutamas 广场(距离5公里)和 Publika(距离4公里),都是非常邻近。

Publika 其实已可成为住户必访之商场,因为这商场应有尽有,特别是主要租户 BIG 超市的食材每天新鲜上架,包罗万象。

Publika 的餐饮商铺也提供各种美食佳馔,网罗了本地美食与国外料理,也有宁静的咖啡座及活力四射的酒吧,而周末市集则惯以艺术与文化主题展,更是络绎不绝的旺区。

其实吉隆坡与八打灵再也包夹 The ERA,距离吉隆坡城中城阳光广场只是8公里之遥,而八打灵再也多间购物中心,如 The Curve 及 IPC 购物中心和万达购物商场也分别只是11和12公里之遥。



. 满家乐国际学校(5.4公里)
. 花园国际学校(5.6公里
. 吉隆坡法文学校(3.3公里)
. 中华独中(2.5公里)
. 斯里西纳国小(3.2公里)
. 冼都乌达玛国小(2.8公里)
. 启智华小(4.1公里)
. 冼都华小(3.6公里)
. 泗岩沫国中(1.2公里)
. 冼都姑娘堂国中(3.7公里)
. Kiaramas 国中(4.17公里)
. 喇沙国中(4.9公里)


. 泰莱学院金地花园分校(5.8公里)
. 吉隆坡大学(6.2公里)
. 马来西亚威尔斯国际大学(6.4公里)
. 吉隆坡城市大学(7.4公里)
. 精英大学(8.4公里)
. 拉曼大学学院(11.8公里)
. 马来亚大学(12.5公里)


. Park City 医药中心(5.3公里)
. Kiara 医药中心(6.3公里)
. 圣陶沙医药中心(5公里)
. 吉隆坡中央医院(5.1公里)
. 国家心脏中心(8公里)
. 普斯拉维医院(7公里)


. 大马对外贸易局展览与大会中心(4公里)
. 太子世界贸易中心(5.5公里)
. 吉隆坡会议中心(8公里)


除了基本设施,城市生活讲求交通驳接的便利性,而且是生活素质的首选。而 The ERA 在这方面的要求是轻易过关的,因为其位置是在古晋路旁,而且距离吉隆坡市中心仅7公里,是这让人神驰的项目的地点优势。

同时,隆市几条要道如怡保路(Jalan Ipoh)、苏丹阿兹兰莎路(Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah)及大使路(Jalan Duta),与古晋路一样,开通 The ERA 而四通八达衔接隆灵两地及远至巴生谷,其它可接通的大道包括淡江大使大道(DUKE)和玛哈美鲁大道(Mahameru Highway,第一中环公路的局部路段)。

而西部疏散大道(SPRINT)及本查拉大道(Penchala Link)则可透过满家乐抵达,这两条大道也是通往灵市的要道,并连接到白蒲大道(LDP),此外透过大使路,也可接通到南北大道(NSE)。

除了开车上路,居民也可乘搭火车轨道公共交通,而电动火车、轻快铁及即将建峻的吉隆坡捷运车站都在 The ERA 邻近之地。

例如, 1.5公里以外就是泗岩沫电动火车站,冼都电动火车站则是距离4.5公里、太子电动火车站(毗连太子世界贸易中心)也是6公里之遥。同时太子世界贸易中心也有轻快铁站, 冼都也有设站,意味着只要乘搭轻快铁就可以方便出行了。


The ERA 都是以现代化需求为先,务求切合时宜,也从即将动工建峻的捷运第三阶段干线(暂称为中环线)受惠,因这干线将连接数个主要地区,如大马城(Bandar Malaysia)、武吉加拉(Bukit Kiara)、冼都(Sentul)及吉隆坡大都市(KL Metropolis)。因此,从 The ERA 建起的衔接天桥,可以更轻易开通到吉隆坡大都市,而且乘搭捷运也无比轻松了。

点看以下视频鸟瞰 The ERA 与其周边地区:


JKG 置地(JKG Land Bhd)在巴生谷地产界仍是新锐,但 JKG 置地来自北马,前身为庆隆发展公司,未逐鹿中原前已有30年的房地产经验,主要在吉打起家,打造出几个成功的项目后而闯出名堂。

JKG 置地继勇闯住宅、商业与轻型工厂发展后,再以 The ERA 项目大跃进投身综合性项目。而这服务式共管公寓是发展商的首次其类发展,并立基于“为生活而建造”的使命,旨在改善生活素质、提高生活水平。

如果您想居住邻近于吉隆坡、杜达玛斯、满家乐及八打灵再也 ,就别错过这机会!若有兴趣知更多详情,按此签阅,或拨电1700 81 80 81或发电邮至 询问详情。


Own dp small

Looks good though, living and accessible to the KL city centre and PJ just take minutes and accessible to different highways depending on where we want to go.

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Wow, not everyday you see high rise residential apartment taller than 50 storeys high in the Klang Valley...

Can i safely say this is a high density apartment?

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@domng Maybe you can check out KL METROPOLIS by Naza TTDI, stone throw away from publika, one of the competitor of THE ERA, they even have 40 to 60 storey high residential tower. MET 1, 58 storeys, phase 1 expected to be complete by 2020~

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ERA location is good, but the traffic congestion at bulatan jalan kuching-duta need to be improved, and the junction to go out to jalan ipoh too. Is already a massive jam now, i can't imagine after all projects along jalan segambut completed. 

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If ERA and KL Metropolis really so many units under a same management. The maintenance and security fee psf should be lower than low density development? 

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Jam all the way to KL is a concern for me. :/

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@domng different developer. KL Metropolis maintenance im not so sure but their price psf is abit pricey.

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one piece of land beside Hotel Cairnhill jalan ipoh (Opposite or nearby  ERA)was just put on rent or sale, so i think might be anoher project soon. sigh.

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All property developers riding on the MRT hype bandwagon... while the iron (property market) is hot, make full use of it.

James bond craig junio2006 small

If you haven't been to their sales gallery, you should! Super impressive for a small or not so well-known developer. Very nicely done and huge sales gallery. Even their show units look impressive. I think the price is quite reasonable too for that location. It's at Jalan Segambut and smallest unit about RM390k for 700sf if I remember it correctly. 

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I wonder which direction does their unit face from the balcony? Fengshui consideration. Haha

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@domng yea dom. Agreed. Even my clients, expats also looking for property near to  MRT/ public transportation too.

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@domng haha. Best is facing jalan Kuching or Mont Kiara (But somehow will be blocked by KL METROPOLIS), other view is blocked by Hotel Cairnhill or Rivercity YTL, and another new project along jalan segambut "Riana Dutamas".

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@james_bob Yea james. I had been there, is really very nice, and i know their ID too. Haha. 

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Very difficult to get KL Tower or Twin Tower view nowadays...

I have a relative with a condominium in Brickfields bought in the early 90s... as years go by, more and more blockage get in the way of the fantastic view of the KL City Skyline... :^)

Kate chew small

In a strategic location. Seems like a good project.

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@domng yea same, not only klcc or kl tower view, even genting view also very hard. My house also get blocked by a few new projects. haha

Like living in concrete jungle.

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Selesa Hillhomes Bentong 

For the best Genting Highlands view under a fine sunny day. Haha

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@domng haha...seriously? I'm going to check that out. Perhaps for a short vacation! 

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Karak highway near to Bentong exit... we can see Selesa Hillhomes on your right if you are KL bound.

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@domng planning to go next month after busy working non stop this year. haha. Thanks for sharing dom!

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I have not personally stayed there before. So please share your experience after your trip!

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@domng sure dom! haha thanks for recommending btw

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The nearby Berjaya Hills Resort I have heard is a good place to unwind.

Colmar Tropicale French Theme Resort is there.

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@domng Yea, i had been there before. Quite nice! You can visit there too!

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Yes, with the recent hot weather in Malaysia... best to chill on the highlands to escape the heat!

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how much is this per sq ft?

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@admin_ps thank you for your great sharing