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You can get your property license to practice in these three easy steps:

Step 1: Obtain a pass in all six subjects in an examination set by the Board of Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents Malaysia.

Step 2: After passing all the six subjects in Part 1, candidates will be allowed to sit for the Part 2 of the examinations set by the Board of Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents Malaysia.

Step 3: After passing the two written examinations, a post qualifying practical experience of two years with a registered estate agency is necessary before being eligible to apply for the Test of Professional Competence. After passing this test the candidate will be qualified as an estate agent and can be registered to practice.

you need the 2 year apprenticeship, you cannot get this done alone. Its a diploma course.

Saw somewhere else, so just sharing this. Anyone can verify this or any 'shortcut' or alternative way to become agent? :D

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"The graduates are fully exempted from taking the BOVAEA`s written examination and are eligible to register as Probationary Estate Agent with BOVAEA upon graduation."

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REN need to attend half day course every year to get their badge renewed... already started

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yeah, the half day course is conducted by BOVAEA

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@virspirit good sharing