1 bring a dog home canine propsocial
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如果您不确定要如何训练小狗,可以考虑报名相关的快速课程。爱护动物协会(SPCA) 其实有设立一个4小时的狗只照顾课程给首次做狗主的人士。即使是成年狗只也可以训练;比如 Puppycom 犬训学校( Puppycom Dog Training School)或 Knine 专业狗只服务 (Knine Professional Dog Services)就有提供成年狗只的训练。



- 确保经常清洗狗只产生的排泄物(如便溺)以及清洗的废水不会流进邻居家中。
- 保持家居清洁并确保不会有狗只的味道。
- 确保狗只不会随意乱吠。






若您是梳邦再也市的居民,申请狗牌需要提供狗只已经接种犬瘟病(canine distemper)、犬细小病毒(parvovirus)和肝炎疫苗的证明。已进行绝育的狗,狗牌收费10令吉,若还没绝育,则收费20令吉。要注意的是,中高层住宅如公寓、组屋或店屋,技术上是不允许养狗和申请狗牌的。









譬如,限制的品种首先需要接受一个名叫“狗狗好公民”(Canine Good Citizen)的培训课程,并确保您居家的围栏安全,以及在家居前后挂上清晰可见的“当心有犬”标志才可申请狗牌。



根据爱护动物协会(SPCA)主席写给当今大马(Malaysiakini)的信:“当抓狗队表示有权利抓走您的狗,我们建议狗主勇于质疑并挑战所谓的“权利”,同时索要对方负责人(如监工)的姓名和联络。” 此外,如果看见抓狗队乱抓狗,请立刻通知爱护动物协会。




或许您也可以考虑在宠物友善的社区找一个家,这样一来您和宠物都可以在那里享受生活。这里为您介绍一些即将推出的宠物友善房屋,它们有美拉瓦蒂的 Verge32赛城的 Areca Contempo Homes蒲种的 Aurora Residence 都是不错的选择。


(Translated by: Gabriel Ngiam, 24th August 2016)


P  2c3e50 small

Please be a responsible dog owner - do not create nuisance to others .... the noise, the dog shit etc!

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Actually i have different view about all pittbull and american bulldog. if you have been with them you should know that they are kids loving dog... and frankly speaking all dogs can be defensive when they are being attacked, this include german shepherd and rottweiler and many many other breed. 

Just  take a look at Cesar Millan's Daddy and Junior which is the leader of the pack and both of them are actually Pitt Bull Terrier. 

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Just my few cents to add on here:

There are also some other facts that owner must know: 

* before you buy or adopt any dog, you must understand and know the breed "this can be done by doing some research on the internet or buying some books" 

* each breed are different, there are low energy, medium energy as well as high energy dog... they would require different type of environment or even sporting activity to have their energy burned. (for instance, having a Siberian Husky in a 1000sf condominium is definitely a no no, having said that Siberian Husky is actually a high energy dog)

* type of food that is prohibited for your fur kids (grapes, chocolate, onion etc etc) 

* type of possible allergy that your dog might encounter (e.g. bulldog are prone to skin problem so you definitely cant prescribe any poultry products to them) 

* type of medicine to standby in the event of emergency etc (most of them would just fetch their fur kids to the vet, but what if it is odd hour and there is no vet around? never prescribe panadol to your dog if they are having fever or flu as this might kill them)

* first aid kit for pets 

* supplements and pet food 

* your dog shampoo and ticks / fleas solution 

* you would definitely need a proper hair dryer + comb for those fur kids that have long fur ... e.g. golden retriever (if you do not have the luxury of time and money to send your kids to grooming on a weekly basis)

Jonathan de ho half body small

For this, I strongly wanna advise all of you, make sure you are really into it, not just for fun. Thats why so many dog without owner out there. If possible adopt one instead. Those non dog lover please dont destroy their life. Think of it as they are your kids

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oh ya... just to top up... having a dog you would need to have at least 8 to 10 years commitment... 

also think about who can help take care of your dog in the event you are required to have a overseas business trip or overseas vacation... or even vacation....

sending your dog to the pet hotel is not a very good solution.... 

J  f1c40f small

I used the advance search for pet friendly place in Puchong and subang Usj. But upon further inquiries all the apts/condo said the do not allow pets. How la? 

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Ronald, you must be a dog-lover :)

Jonathan, I have to agree with you too. Having a dog is a commitment, not a hobby where you give you attention only when you have free time. Sadly many people don't have the same understanding :(

Jonathan de ho half body small

Many of them, they like it they keep. They dont like it anymore, they leave it away. Whats the difference you throwing your kids away?

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Yes, it is long term commitment to have dog/cat in home. An usually apartment/condo does not allow.

Own dp small

Yea agreed, normally high rise such as apartment, condominium, service suite, soho, sofos and etc don't allow pets. Even normal landed residence only allowed 2 pets if not mistaken.

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Ya, actually I come across 2 most common types of dog owners. (1) Get a dog to 'jaga rumah' (2) Only BUY pure breed dogs instead of adopting (perhaps to show off?)

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Speaking of which, I've just found out that a new ruling has been implemented that all condos allow pets (including dogs) now. Is this true?

Jonathan de ho half body small

really? U sure? I am happy to hear that if its true. 

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@admin_ps good sharing