Propsocial property tenancy agreement
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若先生(Mr. Ruo)是一位热情的宝可梦训练家。为了让自己能成为最棒的宝可梦训练家,若先生在市里最繁忙的购物中心之上方租了一间一室概念单位(studio),在那里他能常常捕获稀有和熟练的宝可梦精灵。


若先生向其房东,Faizal 讲述了他所面对的难处。但令若先生感慨的是,Faizal 不但没有主动要修理这些瑕疵,反而还指责若先生没有尽责任保护好房子的窗户和天花板。

此外,Faizal 还要求若先生在14天内修好这些缺陷,否则他将会终止租赁契约,并会强制要若先生离开该单位。Faizal 还声称若先生会丧失他之前所付的押金,而且还必须赔偿剩余六个月未满租赁期限的租金,以补偿 Faizal 的损失。



如果您是一名租户(或即将成为租户),这里有五项您必须清楚说明/排除于的租赁合约条款(这些条文的英文开头字母恰好可结成为 MR. RUO!):-

一、维护条款(‘M’aintenance) (√)



二、纠正期条款(‘R’emedy Period) (√)



三、偿还条款(‘R’efund) (√)


-您应该事先注明业主有必要在接下来的两种情况下退还您的押金:(i) 房产单位在良好的情况下重新交还给业主,或者 (ii) 当房主决定终止租赁的时候

四、未满期条款(‘U’nexpired Term)(X)




五、续约条款(‘O’ption to Renew) (√)





记住 MR. RUO(若先生)这秘密代码,确保您的租赁协议对您有利。


作者詹杰辉 ( Chiam Jef Fri) 是李健涵律师事务所 ( Han & Partners ) 的执业律师,他在企业和商业领域、分层管理和租赁事务方面充满热情。 他欢迎您将您的意见发送到,也欢迎大家关注他的部落格


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Good to note on these points. However I used to rent a place where the tenancy agreement stated about the unexpired term clause, the term was one year but I ended at about 8 months, the landlord didnt mind, din even forfeit my deposits. Actually it also depends whether your landlord kind or not. Hehe.

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How about clauses for owner one to prevent troublesome tenant? 

Kate chew small

Zara, I guess it depends on individual landlord, if they are nice people usually they won't be too anal about it and they won't mind. But I've come acrossed many landlords who want to stick to the contract or forfeit deposit, as their mindset is that, it takes time for them to find new tenant which also means lost of income for that couple of months.

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如果租约里没有未满期条款 但租户却计划在租约期未满前搬迁 请问屋主有权利要求租户赔偿剩余的租金吗?

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Good information

Signature 28 logo  custom  small

Good information. But Tenancy agreements in Malaysia should be written in English or Malay?

Also i believe it is important to apply Stamping on the agreement and provide a duplicate copy to the tenant for safekeeping. Else whatever is written and even signed does not carry any weight when disputes arises.

James bond craig junio2006 small

Dominic, I thought all Tenancy Agreements and SPA are in English? Can it be drafted in Malay?

Own dp small

Very good information. Protecting both parties.

S  f39c12 small

I want single room with kitchen and bathroom near the jalan sultan Ismael/near university of kuala lampur

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@James Bob, I am not sure. Maybe somebody with experiences in drafting tenancy agreement can advise if it needs to be in English?

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@sj 在你所述的情况下,我认为没有条款的支持下,你应该很难采取任何赔偿行动。

F  16a085 small

Very informative. *thumbs up

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Just something which pop in mind, after the tenancy agreement has been stamped at LHDN... Is it possible to add in an addendum to the agreement without re-stamping?

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@admin_ps thanks for sharing