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What can do by a good agent ?

And also what can done by a bad agent?


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Yes, I totally agree... No offense to agents making a living here. But for an agent... no matter how high or low the property value... they still earn the same % of commission... Some owners listen to their agents so called "Market rate"... in actual fact, the agents are the ones dictating the market.

Ofcourse at the end of the day, owners need due diligence to really check on the actual market rate before deciding on the deal... nobody can force them to sign on the dotted line, can't we?

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Yup' I agree.. that what we said monkey see monkey do 

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From my personal point of view, agent only can do the best, help transact all the unit that those owner who is serious want to sell or rent in the shortest time and with the closer market price that owner willing to let go or buyer who is willing to pay. 

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Yes, agree owners must be serious if want to engage service of an agent. Mutual trust and respect required to make a deal happen.  

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@domng hi dom, my 2 cents well the market rate is actually not being dictate by the agent (well at least not for me).. if you would to ask me what is the property market rate for Pandan Heights (Dallas Villa) for instance, I would be pulling all transacted value from JPPH and perform an analysis and let you know what is the low, high and median of the pricing.

on top of that, with your justification of your interior renovation and so on, i would also submit the data to have a few banks to perform their valuation and provide a valuation report prior to giving you an figure. (an estimate figure however can be provided up front but that is not a price that can guarantee sell) as there are many factors behind a transaction at the end of the day. 

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@louiselee831 Louise, this is a very wide open question, and i do believe many REN would do extra miles for their customer in order to have the transaction done. 

and a question to the owner would be "How sincere are  you on having your property being transacted" 

there are also instances / cases whereby the owner is giving verbal exclusiveness to multiple agent just to fetch a higher price on their own property and at the end of the day.

Sincerity in all cases goes both ways, if you are asking what can you offer, I would also be asking what's in it for me.

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i just find out that my agent ask me to sell my unit 15 percent lower that transacted price. so sad i am.

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@imronaldsoo " find the best organizer to invest your money, is the most important decision ever in your life"

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My point of view, some agents not to say all have some deals with the owner to ell it at a higher price so they will have more margins to play around with, unless it is necessary, they will lower it but don't think they will lower it to below market price though. =(

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Probably got owners who are not sure the market rate... and feel pressured by tenant and agents to offer lower rental... just to cover their own mortgage payment...

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@louiselee831 thanks for sharing