Propsocial property sales purchase agreement signing contract
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每当购买物业,签署各种文件仿佛是一种永无止境的过程。尽管如此,房屋买卖合约是绝不能忽略的最重要文件 —— 或简称为 SNP 或 SPA。



因此,拿到买卖合约之后的当务之急就是:在你签署买卖合约受到法律约束之前将其内容研究透彻。就像你买物业要先看展示屋那样,一份买卖合约会告诉你所有的细节 - 即使是“展示屋”中展示有误的部分。








而3个月缴清期偶尔会自动延长一个月,不过这将会产生逾期利息( late payment interest)。


这是大家常会问的问题。根据法律,新房屋能够让业主随时入住才能定义为包空屋(vacant possession)。换句话说,交屋的日子就是发展商交付物业的钥匙和入门卡那天为准。而一般的标准期限是:有地住宅24个月,分层住宅36个月。








(Translated by: Gabriel Ngiam, 27th October 2016)


Signature 28 logo  custom  small

Great article! Nowadays i believe most developer give "free" SnP and legal fee? They probably mark up their prices to cover it.

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Yup. When signing SPA don't rush, take your time to read and understand the clauses in the SPA, and feel free to ask the lawyer any legal related matters. If you have any commercial questions in relation to the property, there is no point asking the lawyer. 

Signature 28 logo  custom  small

sometimes the built up area advertise in the brochure and land area does not come close to the figures in the SnP... but i can see that majority of owners don't bother to peruse through before signing on each sheet... maybe the excitement and suspense of property ownership...

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I think so long as they could secure a property in that desire area, the built up area is something they could tolerate with as upon delivery if the built up area is a few % bigger or smaller than the SPA stated most would be subject to a refund or something. 

Signature 28 logo  custom  small

"APPROXIMATE" is the keyword they always use....

James bond craig junio2006 small

Most of us won't really take the time to read the entire SPA. 

I have a few questions though:

1) If it's a commercial land title property but for residential usage, is it normal for them not to state the time of completion?

2) If it's a commercial land title property but for residential usage, will they still compensate if the handover of key (completion of development) is delayed by 1 year, but the time of completion is not stated in the SPA?

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How about using as short term stay through Airbnb? no long commitments, can also meet lots of people from all around world.

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@James Bob...I think not reading the terms and conditions is something common in Malaysia, but these terms are binding upon parties of the contract, so it is necessary to run through the event of signing SPA i'm sure every purchaser would be interested in a few questions: 

late payment interest; delivery of vacant possession; manner of delivery; late delivery penalty; defect liabilities; loans; default termination; common facilities; adjustment rate; the schedule of payments; the schedule on the description of properties; specifications schedule; site plan; floor plan..etc. 

To answer your questions I don't think anyone is going to sign an SPA without a clause on the delivery of vacant possession. If any, I'm sure the lawyer drafting the SPA is not doing the job right. LOL

Just my 2 cents...

James bond craig junio2006 small

Lee Shun Zhong, I spoke to a few people, apparently, if it's a commercial title property, developers are not required to commit vacant possession in the SPA. Is this true? You seemed very experienced, thought you might help clarify this :)

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(Pos ini telah dikeluarkan oleh pengarang)

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James, I think I get what you meant now. 

I think this is something technical and well drafted by the SPA solicitor for the developer. And that's why when we are looking into commercial SPA, we must take extra caution when running through the clauses. What is meant by not required to commit VP I assumed it's actually written in the manner of delivery of VP. 

Maybe that's when it was challenge. Correct me if I'm mistaken. 

James bond craig junio2006 small

Lee Shun Zhong, yes that's correct. Meaning they are not required to put it in writing on the actual VP date. If this is true, then what happens if they delay the completion of the development for a year or several years?

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James, in such situation I think only a real attorney can help you. I yet to reach that level, I'm also not so sure about it either. Let me know about it if you found the answer. 

Referring back to the article above: 

**If you are not sure of anything, ask your lawyer.......Do not sign your SPA until you completely understand it and are very sure that everything you were promised is stated in it.**  

A case study for the delay in completion maybe we could refer it to one of the on going mega project (not going to name it.), the residents there might be able to give you an answer for your question. 

Whereas in my opinion, when such delays happened it is best to setup a meeting and talk to the developers. Developers want the money, purchasers/investors want the property. If it becomes a headline don't think it's good for the investors nor the developers. But hey, today's people are all about exercising their rights. I'm sure a lot of people will curse me on my opinion about this issue. LOL. Anyway, it's just my 2cents. Critics are welcome.  

James bond craig junio2006 small

Sadly, my lawyer is the developer's lawyer, which most like the SPA was drafted by them? Lol.

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HAHA...yes! Developer's lawyer. They should have let you sign a letter on the acknowledgement that they are representing the developer. 

At most you can only bring the case to a tribunal. How long has it delayed? LOL. Can drop some hint on the project or developers name? I go Lowyatt see see...

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James, have you try going through the Housing Tribunal? 

James bond craig junio2006 small

About a year. It's supposed to be ready by Jan 2017 but now postponed to Jan 2018. Their reason was because the piling took longer than expected due to some complications. 

No, I haven't been to Housing Tribunal because I wanted to be sure of my rights beforehand.

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Hmm...I'm not the right guy to give any advice. 

Haha..but I do have some contacts whom I could refer to you. But we can't PM here. LOL. You could PM me via Facebook. Name is the same as displayed. Maybe I have the right person who could advice you accordingly before taking any action. 

My opinion would be a resolution through Housing Tribunal la. 

James bond craig junio2006 small

It's ok, don't worry about it. It's just an open discussion :) I wasn't expecting you to get me out from this situation. Lol.

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@admin_ps thanks for sharing