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How to check the property agent is REN agent or not?

Only REN agent are allow to lease/sell property on behalf of owner?


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REN all have 5 digit membership number.

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Check by self even more safety

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Better be safe than sorry... not all registered REN are trustworthy also...

Good thing is we can lodge an official complaint.

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@domng yes try to email to the agent committee email but no reply.

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Proves the efficiency of the agent committee...

Suggest you try social media instead for more exposure?

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The new Link is now at:

you can either punch in the REN number, name, ic number or passport  and get the details 

however you need to always remember to navigate to the Negotiator search by clicking on the negotiator link in it (refer to red box below)

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Does it mean that if the person is not a REN... we are not obliged to pay him/her any commission?

On the other hand, if a person is a not a registered REN... we cannot lodge a complaint with LPPEH?

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@6011_3531_5354 thanks for sharing