Att 1389527671120 10  k.k. sah  4739  small


It's East Coast Rail Line (ECRL) Project will bringing any Benefit for Klang / Port Klang Residents here ??


Signature 28 logo  custom  small

Probably this will benefit those who own land in the way of the ECRL... the compensation will be lucrative.

Att 1389527671120 10  k.k. sah  4739  small

Heard this project spend too much budget here , but when will be expected complete date ? 

S  e67e22 small

where is the segambut station leh am thinking 

Own dp small

@seanlow31 Segambut got station ke? Don't see it mentioned there.

Images small

@seanlow31 Bro , that chart didn't mention Segambut la ... 

S  e67e22 small

ops.. should be gombak... sorry LOL

Att 1389527671120 10  k.k. sah  4739  small

Above link mentioned , the ECRL will save about 30 hours of shipping time from China via Malaysia and Europe .

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@kksah5097 thanks for sharing