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My recent property investment leverage 90% loan and rent are much lower then the monthly instalment.

Eventually ,i n along time the rent will grow and break even.

In meantime,if anyone have good ideas how to break even much earlier like refinance etc are much welcome.

Rental rates are  falling too on high rise properties and many unit are available for potential tenants to choose for newly completed project.. 


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Don't buy if it is giving negative cash flow...

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I will advise my client if he face the same situation like you: maximum mortgage loan tenure, apply few mortgage loan at the same time to get lower interest rate, provide unit with partly/fully furnish to get higher rental. 
You may hold the property if there is potential to make capital gain in future as long as you can afford to cover the gaps. If not, sell it asap and get other good deals :)

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consider AirBnB for short term stays if your high rise property is fit for it... if properly done, can potentially get more per month than Rental Yield which pays monthly.

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@rashdanfitri thanks for sharing