House for sale mrta mlta 3
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什么是 MRTA 和 MLTA?

房屋贷款获批后,银行将要求您签署获批通知书(Offer Letter)。这时,您的房贷经纪人可能会要求您购买 MRTA 或 MLTA,双双都是一种保护借款人(您)和贷款人(银行)利益的保险形式。

举例说,如果借款人(您)不幸逝世并尚未还清贷款,MRTA 或 MLTA 将提供一定数量的钱来支付您所欠银行的贷款。您可能会想到:“这样不错嘛。。。怎么会对我不利呢?”。让我们来看看。

问题一:购买 MRTA 或 MLTA 是强制性的

即使不是强制性的,经纪人可能都会说服您购买 MLTA 或 MRTA,而从中获得佣金。所以在购买任何一个保险之前,您应该先知道银行通常会鼓励您购买 MRTA。

MRTA 的保费是一次性支付的,保费总额可以被包括在房屋贷款额内(取决于贷款者是否能承担这额外的贷款)。当这份保险理赔的时候,钱是直接理赔给银行本身的。

另一方面,MLTA 的保费则是定期支付的,不能包括在房贷中。这是因为所谓的 MLTA 只不过是普通的人寿保险 (Life Insurance) ,它和市面上保险代理员所卖的是一样的。

不清楚其中区别的人往往会直接跟房贷经纪人购买 MLTA 以避免麻烦,因此成功被这些不负责的人利用来谋取利益。但多一份保险不是件好事吗?您可知道这还不是最坏的情况。

问题2:购买了 MLTA 保险但在需要时无法提出索赔

购买 MLTA 其实和购买任何人寿保险一样,您是有必要向保险公司申报健康状况。然而,由于一些房贷经纪人没有做好通知,购房者会认为 MLTA 是与银行贷款一起申请的,即是贷款获批 MLTA 也一样通过。他们的经纪人也没有给予有关正确程序的讲解。

当不幸事件真正发生时,例如借款人因预先存在的疾病突然死亡或瘫痪,这情况违反了 MLTA 的保单条款。在这种情况下,保险公司不会批准对保单的索赔,而受保人之前所付的保险费也都白给了。



实际上,虽然银行通常会使用一些方式来要求我们买 MRTA,例如:把保费列入贷款银额内,或者如果有买 MRTA 者,利息将稍微低一点点等等。但是,其实 MLTA 和 MRTA 并不是强制必须购买的,尤其是 MLTA。所谓的 MLTA 只是房贷经纪人本身可以额外卖出的一份保险,并可以从中赚取更多的佣金罢了。


一、如果您的贷款经纪人告诉你购买 MRTA 还是 MLTA 保险是强制性的,您可以向他/她要求银行出示的官方信件来证实这一点,或者当面致电给银行总部确认此事。


说到底,MRTA 和 MLTA 都是为了您的最佳利益而设,但购买决定要因个人经济和金融计划而定。如果您有足够的预算而且保单适合您未来的财务目标,那么当然您可以把它买下。

但切记要事先获悉并理解所有的资讯,不要让房贷经纪人压逼您购买任何您不清楚的保单。确保您的经纪人事先提供 MLTA 的详细解释并说明好其优点。



廖先生将很快地与大家分享另一则有关于 MRTA 和 MLTA 的文章。请守住他的面子书页面 以获得更新消息!


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Does it mean that MRTA is compulsory to buy while MLTA is not? 

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from my personal experience... MRTA is not compulsory, as stated in bank loan offer letter... MLTA on the other hand, well insurance agents will love it when you want to consider MLTA instead...

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both also not compulsory, but banks will encourage you to buy MRTA. But my banker did not mention anything regarding MRTA or MLTA to me, I myself enquired and she explained to me properly, RHB banker.

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is not compulsory. but bank usually will try to bundle it together with loan. 

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In other words, the bank needs to collaborate with a insurance company or offer themselves the MRTA? 

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@henry is not compulsory,however the bank usually will try to bundle it together with the loan. Reason being the bank are protecting themselves from "unfortunate" events. Say for example, the main payee did not take MLTA or MRTA, if anything were to happen to them, no one will continue paying the balance for the house,therefore suffering the typical "lelong"/ house for sale incident. If the payee were to have MRTA/MLTA, this will pay the balance for the house if anything were to happen to the payee,thus providing a peace of mind for the family members. This is based on my understanding,feel free to correct me if i'm wrong. 

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speaking of "unfortunately" events... Do banks require Guarantors for as part of the loan package?

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@domng mortgage loan got property as coleteral. Normally does not require gurantor

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In other words, personal loan and educational study loan usually require guarantors?

Kate chew small

It is not compulsory to buy MLTA or MRTA but more advisable to. And it's better to buy from an insurance company (AIA or Great Eastern) rather than the bank. It is not a must to buy from the bank, but some banks make it compulsory as a gimmick, especially big international banks.

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@domng nowadays personal loan dont need guarantor since they charge u high % interest, since u are higher risk with no collateral.

study loan depends.  

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Yes agree... and then the chances of going Insolvency for an individual for is not able to repay their debt... raised from the current RM30k to RM50k I have heard.

correct me if i am mistaken.

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@kate_chew buy with bank u got additional option to finance the amount together into loan. 

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Not only able to finance for MRTA together with loan. I know of cases of 110% loan, the additional is for renovation. Talk about investors who don't have cash for down payment and renovation. Really not recommended IMHO. 

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Does MRTA and MLTA cover Insolvency cases. Lets suppose there's a LAP going on against commercial property. On that LAP there's MRTA and the business goes insolvent which disabled the company director's to pay the loan. Will this be covered under MRTA?  

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From what i understand... MRTA and MLTA cover individual life... touch wood if anything unfortunate happen, the loan will be fully paid by the insurance.

Anyone have additional information on this?

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@admin_ps thanks for sharing

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That's correct, cover the risk on the life not on insolvency which can be due to various factors like mismanagement and economic conditions etc