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Jessie Lim FC (unverified)


About Jessie Lim FC

Agency : The One Property International Sdn. Bhd. ( E(1)1398/2)

我是 Jessie Lim FC,来自 The One Property International Sdn. Bhd. 的专业房地产房地产经纪人。

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Vince@vince 2602, I agree with your opinion. We need to consider our financial capability first. If one could afford to stay at the more exclusive areas where properties price are high, why not? It is a choice. If we bought a property at certain place to stay, it is because we like that area that we have chosen and maybe it is near our working place or for what ever reasons, we may not want to sell it even if the price appreciate over the years. Do consider, you sell it because you are upgrading to a better and bigger house or is it that you want to make some profits out of that sale. Will you be able to buy another unit at that place where you have been comfortably staying? You may need to pay higher than what you think....

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In my opinion, we are professionals and we should hold to that in all our action, service and words. In whatever situation, we should talk out and solve any disagreement amicably and not using fist. These bad sheep are the one that tarnished our profession. Sad that they don't realize that.

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Very interesting topic. In my opinion, there should not be any excuse to shit in the pool. There are changing rooms and toilets near the pool. People who did this must be mentally not sound.

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Jessie Lim FC, https://dwxbwps5boihg.cloudfront.net/users/avatars/739/e224063cfaa042d1be6808c7edd9e4a0.jpg Homepage: Agency: The One Property International Sdn. Bhd. Property Negotiator My colleague: Sandy Balan Rajen